In our healing journey after Sawyer's death, we garner strength from reading words that remind us we are not alone in our grieving. We want to share that sentiment with you through our products in the hopes they will strengthen you as they strengthen us. Here at heartbroken but not broken we use art from individuals who have created something they believe reflects our motto or from public domain images that resonate with our purpose. If you like what any of our artists have done for us, check out their other work. We are also looking for artists who connect with our mission and want to collaborate with us. We hope to our expand our small offering to allow us to produce something that resonates with everyone! Contact us if you are interested!
Laura Floyd
Laura Floyd and I have an unlucky connection because our two children died close in space and time. But we are lucky to now share a friendship in our grief. Laura's daughter Sydney has inspired her work as an artist by giving her grief an outlet to create something beautiful. Laura uses paints and a torch to create her pieces. Check out her other work @laura.floyd.
Artist, Author
Kathy Manis Finley
Author of two books that touch on grief, surviving and thriving, I stumbled across Kathy's work while developing heartbroken but not broken. Her pieces highlight the resiliency side of the project. Check out her work at
Begrudging Artist, Sawyer's brother
Grayson McKinley
With the help of an amazing art teacher, who is now chillin' with Sawyer in heaven, Grayson created this piece in the immediate aftermath of Sawyer's death. Sawyer died in late October and the fall scene Grayson painted reflects so many emotions we all felt in those empty, lonely days.
Jenn Mabie
As a family photographer, Jenn has an eye for capturing perfect moments in time. She has a knack for getting children and adults alike to share their personalities in a way they can be treasured for years. Her featured photograph is of Swift Creek Reservoir . Check our her work @jennmabiephoto