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Jaime Clemmer has worked and volunteered throughout her life for agencies whose primary focus addresses domestic and sexual violence issues. She was a strong advocate for organ donation long before Sawyer died and believes in the cause even more now.
Jaime graduated from BYU with a BS in psychology and a minor in Women’s Studies. She and her husband, Jack, have four children, three of whom are living. She started to build the heartbroken, but not broken community after the death of her son, Sawyer, in an effort to acknowledge grief and honor resilience in her own life, as well as in the lives of others who also carry grief.
Jaime and her family enjoy one upping each other on game nights, eating delicious meals, and sharing their home in Fredericksburg, VA, “Eunice,” with anyone who will come visit. Yes, their house is named “Eunice.” That is another story.

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